
1. 下鹽的裝置

A. 開始前,先把來控制下鹽輸送速度的輸液導管開關器向下推,把調節器關掉,以免鹽漏出。

B. 除去鹽袋底部的橡膠塞和輸液導管的透明蓋,然後將輸液導管的⽩⾊尖端插袋的開。為了保持清潔和無菌狀態,主⼩⼼,不要觸摸到輸液導管的⽩⾊尖端。

C. 把鹽袋吊,吊的位置,地,鹽



D. 在輸液導管的尾端放上針頭。擠壓輸液導管的透明管,使鹽注滿半的透明管,以防氣泡進液導管。把輸液導管的透明管注滿半和確保整條輸液導管在注滿鹽後沒有氣泡時,主便可以關掉開關調節器。


2. 寵物擺放的位置

l   可以將寵物放在腿上或些光滑的平上。如果您的貓貓很容易會感到不耐煩,會不斷蠕動,您可能需要多協助安撫貓貓。安放寵物在寵物袋/籠裡有時候也是不錯的主意。

l   避免把寵物捉得太緊。捉得太緊會令寵物更想逃脫。

l   下鹽的過程約是1015分鐘,確保將寵物放置在舒適的位置。過程中,主可以安撫您的寵物,令牠們感到更舒適。

3. 針頭和管理輸出的鹽

A. ⼩⼼地移除針頭的膠蓋,捏住尾部(有顏的位置),避免接觸針或針尖(銀位置)以保持清潔和無菌狀態。

B. ⼿拉起在肩背⻣之間的膚,拉起後應該形成個三⻆似的「帳篷」。

C. 把針頭橫放,輕輕插⼊⽪膚的「帳篷」中間。在插針頭時,主只要輕微施加壓通常便可以把針頭插⼊⽪膚裡。

D. 留意鹽袋內開始的份量,把開關調節器向上推,會開始注寵物的下。注射獸醫建議的下鹽份量後,主應該可以明顯看到寵物的背部凸起了泡。

E. 注射後,關掉調節器,並迅速取出針頭。少量的鹽可能會漏出,主只要輕輕捏著針孔便可。完成後,應安全地丟棄針頭。


- 替寵物注射下鹽前,請確保先前注的鹽已被吸收。

- 如果您發現寵物呼吸急促(每分鐘呼吸40次以上),請勿注射下鹽與我們聯絡。

Subcutaneous Fluids

1. Setting up the fluids

A. Ensure the plastic roller clamp is rolled tight so fluid does not leak out. This clamp is used to control fluid flow.

B. Remove the cover from the spike, and push the spike into the port at the bottom of the bag after removing the rubber plug from the port. Take care not touch the spike to maintain cleanliness.

C. Hang the bag from the loop at the top (the higher the better to allow gravity to aid flow). Remove the cap from the lower end of the fluid line.

Open the roller clamp and allow fluid to flow through the line. Hold over a sink or bucket to avoid spillage.

D. Attach a needle to the lower end of the line Squeeze the chamber so that the fluid fills to about halfway to prevent bubbles from entering the fluid line. Turn off the roller clamp once the line is full and free from bubbles.


2. Positioning your pet

l   Position your pet in your lap or on a smooth, flat surface. You may need two people if your cat is wriggly. A pet carrier can be used to help position your pet.

l   Use gentle restraint. Too much restraint can make a pet want to get away.

l   Make sure the pet is positioned so that they will be comfortable for 10 to 15 minutes.

l   Quietly talking to your pet and petting it will help them feel comfortable.


3. Inserting the needle administrating fluids

l   A. Carefully remove the plastic cap from the needle. One hand should hold the needle at the hub (avoid touching the needle itself which would contaminate it).

l   B. With the fingers of the other hand, the scruff (the skin between the shoulder blades) should be lifted to form a ‘tent’.

l   C. The needle should be inserted gently and smoothly into the "tent" that has been formed, keeping the needle parallel with your pet's back, so that the tip of the needle is positioned in the space between the skin and the back muscles. A swift, slightly firm motion is often better tolerated compared to gentle pressure when inserting the needle.

l   D. Take note of the starting amount and determine how much fluid you should give based on the vet's advice. Roll the roller clamp so that fluid flows into your pet. A fluid bulge will be visible.

l   E. Once the desired amount has been administered, close the roller clamp and swiftly remove the needle. A small amount of fluid may leak out, this can be reduced by gently pinching the skin over the hole. Put the cap back on the needle and discard the needle safely.



Before administering the fluids, ensure the fluids from the previous administration have been absorbed

If you notice heavy or fast breathing (more than 40 breaths per minute), do not give the fluid and contact us.