


獸醫會為您的貓貓插尿喉,使尿道發炎的狀況慢慢減退。當發炎情況减退和貓貓回復正常時, 獸醫會除去尿喉。



- 貓貓尿道阻塞常的成因

尿結 - 不常

膀胱感染 -




- 獸醫可能會給貓貓痛和肌鬆馳的藥物。

- 獸醫只會在確認貓貓有膀胱感染的情況下,給您的貓貓抗素。

- 您的獸醫可能會建議貓貓糧如 Hill’s c/d Royal Canin Urinary S/O





增加貓貓飲的份量 - 使機、不同形狀和⼤⼩兜、轉罐頭濕糧。

勵貓貓多玩耍,令居住的環境更適合貓貓 - 玩具、貓草、貓樹或把貓貓的床放在較的位置




- Feliway 的費洛蒙有助減輕貓貓的壓



· 排尿有困難

· 滴尿或沒有便

· 便帶(通常在移除尿喉的1-2便仍可能會帶有少量

· 在異常地便

· 經常舔便位置




Feline Urethral Obstruction

What is it?

Cats (especially male cats) can suffer a blockage in their lower urinary tract,

which can prevent them from urinating.

A urinary catheter has been passed to allow the inflammation to subside.

This has now been removed and your cat is urinating well.


However, recurrence can be common

Possible Causes

· Stress - the most common cause in cats

· Bladder stones - uncommon

· Infection - rare


What can be done to prevent recurrence?

 - Pain relief and medication to help with the inflammation and spasm may be prescribed

- Antibiotics are ONLY indicated if there is strong evidence for infection

- A special urinary diet such as Hill’s c/d or Royal Canin Urinary S/O may be recommended


To minimize stress, the following recommendations may help:

·  Increasing the number of litter trays - at least one per cat plus one extra

·  Avoiding sudden changes in litter type

·  Increasing water intake - water fountains, additional water bowls of varying shapes and sizes in difficult locations, wet food etc.

·  Encouraging play and environmental enrichment – toys, catnip, cat trees or beds in high places

·         Using Feliway diffuser or spray – this contains pheromones that make cats feel more relaxed

·  Our vet may recommend medications to help with stress



Things to look out for include:

· straining to urinate

- dripping urine or no urine

· very bloody urine (mild bloody urine may be normal for 1-2 days after discharge)

· urinating in unusual places

· frequent licking the urinary opening


If you’re not sure if your cat is able to pass urine for >12 hours and is straining,

assume it could be an emergency and you should call us immediately.