








l   暈倒

l   體僵硬

l   抽搐

l   失去意識


l   泡沫從嘴裡湧出

l   嘴巴不斷咬合

l   過度氣喘

l   ⼝⽔

l   四肢划

l   雙眼飄動



l   儘管多數的癲癇是無法治愈的,許多患病的寵物可以透過藥物控制情況。

l   視乎癲癇發作的頻率,獸醫可能會建議患病的寵物開始使抗癲癇的藥物。

l   抗癲癇的藥物最初可能會引起睡意,但這樣情況通常會慢慢減退。

l   雖然我們可能無法完全根治癲癇病,但藥物治療的的是將癲癇發作的頻率降低每六週少於次。








l   保持鎮定,確保寵物處於安全、不會跌倒的地

l   請勿將您的⼿在寵物腔的附近 寵物可能會不由主地咬,在某些情況下無法放開頭阻塞窒息的情况是極為罕的。

l   如有獸醫處抽筋藥(如RectalDiazepam),主可以盡快以塞肛的形


l   如果癲癇發作持續或複發不⽌⼀次,請即與我們聯絡。

l   可以的話,主可以拍攝的法記錄抽筋的情況,好讓獸醫理解事發的過程。



What are they & what causes them?

Seizures are the result of abnormal electrical activity in the brain. Seizures can be large (shaking, loss of consciousness, loss of bladder/bowel control) or small (twitching or teeth chattering).


There are many causes of seizures. The most common cause in younger animals is known as idiopathic epilepsy where the underlying cause is not fully understood.

These animals are otherwise healthy. In older animals, unfortunately brain cancer is a common cause of seizuring. Other possibilities include organ failure, toxin ingestion or infection e.g. meningitis.


The vet may recommend some baseline tests initially. In some cases, further neurological investigation is needed with advanced imaging e.g. an MRI scan.


Symptoms of Seizures

l   Collapsing

l   Stiffening

l   Muscle twitching

l   Loss of consciousness

l   Tongue chewing

l   Foaming at the mouth

l   Chomping

l   Excessive panting

l   Drooling at the mouth

l   Padding with all four limbs and fluttering eyes


What's the treatment?

l   Although, there isn’t a cure in most cases, but many epileptics can be well managed with


l   Depending on the frequency of seizures, antiseizure medication may be initiated.

l   These may cause some drowsiness initially, but this normally subsides.

l   Treatment is aimed at reducing the seizure frequency to less than one seizure every six

weeks, but we may not be able to completely eradicate the seizures.


What do I do if my pet starts to seizure?

l   Stay calm and ensure your pet is in a safe place (i.e. unable to fall)

l   DO NOT PUT YOUR HANDS ANYWHERE NEAR THE MOUTH - pets can bite involuntarily and

in some cases will not be able to let go.

l   Choking on the tongue is EXTREMELY rare.

l   If you have been prescribed rectal diazepam, administer one tube and monitor the response, a second tube can be given if no response has been seen after 5 minute

l   If the seizures continue or recur more than once, please contact us immediately

l   Take a video of the event as this can really help the vet understand the problem


Why do we have to monitor treatment?

Newer medications to control seizures are very safe, but some medications can affect the liver.

Regular monitoring is recommended to check the liver and to ensure that the dose of the medication is not too high or too low. Your vet will recommend when the next blood test is due.