

蜱熱是由細液寄蟲(巴蟲或埃體層)引起的。蜱可經狗與狗接觸傳播。當受感染的蜱叮咬狗狗時,它將寄蟲注 狗狗的液中。然後,狗狗的免疫系統有機問會出問題,開始破壞細胞,導致紅球細胞和⾎⼩板數量下降,令狗狗軟弱無慾下降、發燒和排出橙的尿(這是細胞分解引致的)。





l   ⽛⾁

l   /的尿液或糞便

l   慾不佳

l   軟弱無

l   發燒





獸醫會與您討論不同的治癒法,幫助您選出最適合您和狗狗的治療法。 觀察狗狗對治療的反應是常重要的部分。如果不及時醫治,蜱熱可以致命。儘管治療後,狗狗也可能出現復發的現象。在嚴重的情況下,獸醫會建議狗狗進和住院治療。


l   確保您的寵物有夠的休息。

l   如要外出如廁,請主確保如廁後,盡快帶寵物回家休息。

l   由於寵物的⽌⾎受到影響,主應避免寵 受傷。 考慮給予補充劑或煮熟的紅,從吸收所需的鐵質。





預防法包括為寵物帶上Seresto頸帶,防⽌⽜ 蜱跳上寵物上,三個⽉⼀次的服藥物 Bravecto,或每⽉⼀次外滴頸的Frontline




Tick Fever


What is tick fever?

Tick fever is caused by a tiny parasite (either Babesia or Ehrlichia) which is spread from dog to dog by ticks. When an infected tick bites it injects the parasite into the blood stream. The dog's immune system then recognizes there is something wrong and will start to destroy blood cells leading to low red blood cell and platelet counts. This causes lethargy, reduced appetite, fever and orange coloured urine & faeces (due to the breakdown of blood cells).




The vet may recommend a blood test. Presence of low red blood cells and/or platelets and a combination of the clinical signs may lead the vet to recommend a tick fever test to be run at the external lab.

Signs include:

- pale gums

- orange/brown urine or faeces

- poor appetite

- lethargy

 - fever Canine tick fever cannot be passed to humans but ticks can carry other diseases that can affect humans



There are a few treatment options available. The vet will discuss these with you to help you decide which is best for you and your dog.

Monitoring response to treatment is essential.

Tick fever can be fatal if left untreated. Recurrence and relapse is also possible despite treatment. In severe cases, a blood transfusion and hospitalization may be recommended.

Additional tips to help recovery include:

- allowing your pet to rest and only taking very short walks to the toilet and back

- avoiding injury as the ability to stop bleeding may be affected

- consider iron supplementation either via multivitamins or feeding cooked red meat



Tick prevention is really important to avoid tick fever. There are several methods available and your vet will discuss these with you.

Generally, prevention comprises of a Seresto collar to repel the tick from coming near your dog and secondly, a product to kill the tick once it bites such as Bravecto chewable 3- monthly tablets or Frontline monthly spot-on.

This is recommended for all dogs going outside even if it’s only infrequently. No preventative measure is 100% and so owners should monitor their dogs regularly for ticks and also for signs of the disease.