

Petmate 寵物噴泉 (1.5L) 50oz 240v
品牌: Petmate 型號: CV24891
避免動物缺糧,請預至少7天前訂購。The Petmate Deluxe Fresh Flow is a purifying pet fountain providing filtered water throughout the day for your pet. Perfect for multiple dog households, this award-winning fountain features continuous circulating water and a unique, patented no-splash water-slide. The re-circulating..
Petmate 寵物噴泉 (3.2L) 108oz 240v
品牌: Petmate 型號: CV24879
避免動物缺糧,請預至少7天前訂購。The Petmate Deluxe Fresh Flow is a purifying pet fountain providing filtered water throughout the day for your pet. Perfect for multiple dog households, this award-winning fountain features continuous circulating water and a unique, patented no-splash water-slide. The re-circulating..
品牌: Petmate 型號: CV24899
避免動物缺糧,請預至少7天前訂購。(24891/24879水機適用) (亦可用於24865舊款水機)商品說明Replacement pet fountain filters for the veterinarian and trainer recommended fresh flowing water fountain that adds oxygen, filters water, cools naturally, reduces bacteria, and encourages your pet to drink.Replacement filters for Fresh Flow Pur..
品牌: Cat It 型號: Citit_StainSteelFount_2L_50023
貓用不銹鋼面水機2L #50023貓用不銹鋼面水機2L詳細介紹它提供你貓科動物所需的干淨,充氧的水。水可以幫助你的寵物的腎臟正常運作,改善腎功能可以降低尿路疾病FUS和腎結石或晶體的風險。 由獸醫推薦。使用方法應使用柔軟的海綿和溫和的肥皂每周清潔一次噴泉。充分沖洗以避免留下肥皂痕跡。 取出過濾器並沖洗乾淨。過濾器不應該用肥皂清洗。如果過濾器中含有灰塵或其他異物,則應更換。(更換過濾器單獨出售。) 過濾器應每三週更換一次,或一旦看到異物飽和跡象(髒物,舊食物,毛髮等)。 取決於環境,水質以及是否供應給多種動物,過濾器的更換間隔可能需要更頻繁。-圖片僅供參考,新舊包裝隨機發放,以實物為準。..
$550.00 $600.00
顯示 25 - 28 / 28 (共 3 頁)